Total Solar Eclipse Trivia and Wisdom!


With all of the chaos, lack of clarity and confusion surrounding us worldwide at the moment, another Dragon arrives in April to join the yearly Green Dragon! That means for the month, we will be experiencing “Double Dragon energy.” The reason we are receiving the negative qualities of the dragon’s qi is that in the yearly astrological chart for 2024, the dragon”s qi is clashing with that of the dog. Also, the year is ruled by the element of yang wood which is symbolized by both an oak tree and thunder and lightning. (As an aside, I see why these symbols were wisely chosen. Oak trees, of all tree species, are the most prone to be hit by lightning.) With all of the uncertainty swirling around us this month, it is not a time to make major changes or important decisions.

On top of the unpredictable and volatile energies of this dragon month, we will be experiencing a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th. The last total Solar Eclipse  we witnessed was in 2017. In that year, I wrote about Lili Kolisko’s pioneering work on metal-planet relationships through crystallization experiments. For decades, she performed thousands of experiments with metallic salts to visibly demonstrate the effects planets and their cosmic alignments have on Earthly substances. In her test tubes which contained liquified metallic salts, she was able to visibly show the relationship of certain metals to planets. The energetic changes that took place between gold (sun) and silver (moon) during total solar eclipses were impeccably recorded and the same phenomena always occurred in her test tubes.

The ancient alchemists knew the “seven sacred heavenly bodies” were each ruled by a specific metal that linked heaven to earth – the sun (gold), Moon (silver), Mercury (mercury), Venus (copper). Mars (iron). Jupiter (tin) and Saturn (lead.). We have forgotten most of this wisdom because current science has isolated itself from the impact of the constant cosmic forces streaming in from the heavens. Luckily, we have the pioneering work of Lili Kolisko who by using exact scientific methods, was able to create a qualitative scientific method for observing the influence of the etheric forces in substance. Her research created a invaluable scientific bridge between the qualitative, etheric sciences and the quantitative, materialistic sciences of today.

Lily Kolisko also found the eclipse was experienced on every spot on Earth, whether you could see it or not. In a book published on these eclipse experiments, she wrote: ” It means that we must look upon the sun not only as a heavenly body streaming down light and warmth to the earth from one  particular spot, but surrounding, enveloping the whole globe with its sphere.
When something spectacular happens, such as a total eclipse, certainly we see it happen at a definite place, observing the moon covering the sun, but the whole sun sphere is affected, and the whole earth participates in it.” To read the whole article please visit:

On a lighter or darker note, There is much chatter going around the internet and Tic Tok about the 2024 total solar eclipse and its relationship to the 2017 total solar eclipse due to the unique alignment of their dates and locations. The upcoming total solar eclipse, is set to cross the United States on April 8, 2024 and intercept the solar eclipse path from 2017 creating a bullseye at “Little Egypt,” named during a harsh winter of 1830-31, where suffering  people from further north headed to southern Illinois for food, and associated themselves with the children of the Biblical Jacob, who were forced to go south to Egypt during a time of famine. The timing between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses is 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days – 6666!

Eclipse maps

The 2017 eclipse started in Salem, Oregon and touched down on 7 cities named Salem (Jerusalem was called “Salem” in Genesis and of course the other Salem we all know!) The current 2024 eclipse flows through 7 cites named Nineveh, (the capital city of Assyria. In the Hebrew Bible, Nineveh is mentioned as a city of great wickedness, but also one where repentance was possible.)

Eclipse map

To add to the coincidences, on April 8th, during the solar eclipse, NASA claims an “explosive devil comet” is expected to return for the first time in 71 years. Its name is Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, known for its greenish appearance and “horns” that emit dust, gases, and ice due to a buildup of pressure, according to the Royal Astronomical Society. The comet itself is about the same size as Mount Everest. The Maya and Aztecs regarded eclipses as harbingers of destruction. Thus, they represented this cataclysmic event as a demon devouring the sun.

There’s much more, but this is enough to see this Total Solar Eclipse is getting alot of attention and there won’t be another one for 20 years. And of course on April 8th, Cern, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set to be turned back on to smash protons together to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.

Ancient and many modern cultures warn against looking at the Sun during an eclipse. They feel it is harmful and advise staying indoors and not eating during the even. This eclipse is definitely a heart centered event with gold (related to our heart) being eclipsed by silver (taken offline for a period of time) as Lili Kolisko demonstrated and then being reborn. It seems like a time for silence and renewal!

Love and Light, Carol


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