The Pine Cone, the Pineal Gland and Ruth Drown


PAINTING BY CHARLES BURCHFIELD (my favorite American Painter!)

During the cycle of the winter solstice, there is an ancient tradition that many cultures around the world still practice. That is the veneration of the evergreen tree, which symbolizes longevity, peace, wisdom and harmony. It also holds another gift, the pine cone.

The Pine cone has long been a symbol of enlightenment and offers a beautiful example of sacred geometry. At its base, you’ll notice that its scales form a perfect Fibonacci spiral in either direction. Esoterically, the pinecone is the symbol of the “pineal” gland which is located deep within the center of our brain, in the third ventricle. It is a very tiny gland (the size of a grain of rice) and is shaped like a pine cone.

The pineal gland controls the internal clocks that are affected by the movement or journey of the sun. As the daylight hours shorten, it releases the chemical melatonin, to regulate sleep and wake patterns, mood, growth development, and tissue function. It is continually monitoring the balance of light and darkness within out systems. The intimate relationship between the winter solstice, pinecone symbolism and the pineal are real! (more…)