The last total Solar Eclipse we witnessed was in 2017. In that year, I wrote about Lili Kolisko’s pioneering work on metal-planet relationships through crystallization experiments. For decades, she performed thousands of experiments with metallic salts to visibly demonstrate the effects planets and their cosmic alignments have on Earthly substances. In her test tubes which contained liquified metallic salts, she was able to visibly show the relationship of certain metals to planets. The energetic changes that took place between gold (sun) and silver (moon) during total solar eclipses were impeccably recorded and the same phenomena always occurred in her test tubes.
The ancient alchemists knew the “seven sacred heavenly bodies” were each ruled by a specific metal that linked heaven to earth – the sun (gold), Moon (silver), Mercury (mercury), Venus (copper). Mars (iron). Jupiter (tin) and Saturn (lead.). We have forgotten most of this wisdom because current science has isolated itself from the impact of the constant cosmic forces streaming in from the heavens. Luckily, we have the pioneering work of Lili Kolisko who by using exact scientific methods, was able to create a qualitative scientific method for observing the influence of the etheric forces in substance. Her research created a invaluable scientific bridge between the qualitative, etheric sciences and the quantitative, materialistic sciences of today.
Lily Kolisko also found the eclipse was experienced on every spot on Earth, whether you could see it or not. In a book published on these eclipse experiments, she wrote: ” It means that we must look upon the sun not only as a heavenly body streaming down light and warmth to the earth from one particular spot, but surrounding, enveloping the whole globe with its sphere. When something spectacular happens, such as a total eclipse, certainly we see it happen at a definite place, observing the moon covering the sun, but the whole sun sphere is affected, and the whole earth participates in it.”
On a lighter or darker note, There is much chatter going around the internet and Tic Tok about the 2024 total solar eclipse and its relationship to the 2017 total solar eclipse due to the unique alignment of their dates and locations. The upcoming total solar eclipse, is set to cross the United States on April 8, 2024 and intercept the solar eclipse path from 2017 creating a bullseye at “Little Egypt,” named during a harsh winter of 1830-31, where suffering people from further north headed to southern Illinois for food, and associated themselves with the children of the Biblical Jacob, who were forced to go south to Egypt during a time of famine. The timing between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses is 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days – 6666!
The 2017 eclipse started in Salem, Oregon and touched down on 7 cities named Salem ( Jerusalem was called “Salem” in Genesis and of course the other Salem we all know!) The current 2024 eclipse flows through 7 cites named Nineveh, (the capital city of Assyria. In the Hebrew Bible, Nineveh is mentioned as a city of great wickedness, but also one where repentance was possible.)
To add to the coincidences, on April 8th, during the solar eclipse, NASA claims an “explosive devil comet” is expected to return for the first time in 71 years. Its name is Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, known for its greenish appearance and “horns” that emit dust, gases, and ice due to a buildup of pressure, according to the Royal Astronomical Society. The comet itself is about the same size as Mount Everest. The Maya and Aztecs regarded eclipses as harbingers of destruction. Thus, they represented this cataclysmic event as a demon devouring the sun.
There’s much more, but this is enough to see this Total Solar Eclipse is getting alot of attention and there won’t be another one for 20 years. And of course on April 8th, Cern, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set to be turned back on to smash protons together to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.
Ancient and many modern cultures warn against looking at the Sun during an eclipse. They feel it is harmful and advise staying indoors and not eating during the even. This eclipse is definitely a heart centered event with gold (related to our heart) being eclipsed by silver (taken offline for a period of time) as Lili Kolisko demonstrated and then being reborn. It seems like a time for silence and renewal!
Love and Light, Carol
Read More...Daily Magical Hour! doing some research on sidereal time (star time,) I remembered years ago there was so much chatter about 1:30 pm sidereal time, being about a half hour of heightened intuition. So, I decided to investigate what had become of that phenomena. I was shocked to find it had been a 20 year research project with 22 studies and 1, 524 trials at Stanford Research Institute – SRI – famous for their Remote Viewing Programs and sponsored by the CIA.
The scientist who did this research was James Spottiswoode an American physicist who has carried out psi research, notably in remote viewing, with an emphasis on seeking physical correlates to psi performance. He worked with SRI remote viewing programs later at SAIC, where the program moved and at the Global Consciousness Project with their worldwide random generators network.
There are two types of Chronos time – solar – based on the sun’s movement and sideral – based on star’s movements. Sideral time is used by astronomers and other scientists and researchers to keep track of celestial objects. It is based on a time scale of earth’s rotation in relation to fixed stars in the sky, and was used to discover the mysterious nature of such astral phenomenon as pulsars.
Spottiswoode discovered significant data showing that remote viewing in sidereal time is directly correlated with success, or lack there of, based on our orientation to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. At a certain point during the day, our zenith, or the point in the sky directly above us, aligns with a particular point in the galaxy. Rather than measuring time based on the Earth’s orientation with the sun, one can measure time based on Earth’s orientation to this galactic point. Days measured in this sense are shorter than solar days by about 4 minutes, lagging by a little more than 1 day per year.
He found that there are peak times during the day when our orientation to the galactic center can enhance success with remote viewing and psychic ability. By examining the time of day when the sessions were being conducted, based on solar time, he kept finding discrepancies. But when organizing the data based on sidereal time, he found a correlation. At 13:30 local sidereal time (LST), the data showed that one would have 400 percent greater success in remote viewing. At this time, our planet is oriented with the Milky Way so that the galactic center is located directly on the horizon. This daily period of peak psychic cognition lasts for about three and a half hours, from 12:45 to 14:15 h LST. When the center of the galaxy is directly overhead, psychic cognition drops to its lowest point, between 17:30 and 20:00 LST. I didn’t realize the this spike in intuition lasted for about three and a half hours! Looking at my current solar time, it is 11:58 – but my local sidereal time is 11:49. They are very near ach other now, but will gradually move further and further apart. There are apps for cell phones that give you the LST.
He further discovered that during times of low geomagnetic activity, there was also an increase in telepathic experiences. Geomagnetism is due to interactions between the solar wind and the ionosphere, which causes fluctuations in our geomagnetic field. You can look up the current geomagnetic activity on the site Earthsky – it says for today – “current geomagnetic activity: Quiet now. Minor geomagnetic storms are possible for October 3 due to high-speed solar wind from coronal holes.”
If you want to optimize your intuition, make sure you are in the 12:45 – 14:15 LST and the solar forecast is clear. The two pictures are of Astrolabes, They are devices used to calculate the LST before we had apps!
At the summer solstice, which begins on June 21st this year, the rays of the sun strike the ground absolutely vertically at the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees north) and do not cast any shadows for several minutes. the sun then seems to “stand still” (Solstice) for three days, from June 21 – 23. the suns (both visible and invisible) then turn south to do the same magic above the Tropic of Capricorn, which is located at 23.5° south of the equator on Dec. 22 – 24 in the Southern hemisphere.
The ancients knew that our planet revolves in an elliptical pattern around the sun and eclipses have two centers. Therefore, our visible sun forms one center, and the other center is called “the black, invisible sun.” Each planet in our solar system creates different elliptical patterns, so there are a multitude of black invisible suns. At the summer solstice, our visible sun is the furthest away from Earth for the year and the energies of our “invisible” sun and the “invisible” sun of Saturn are the closest to Earth for the year! At the winter solstice, the visible sun is closest to the earth and the two invisible suns are the furthest from the Earth.
The entire week of the summer solstice is celebrated around the world as a time of clear vision. It is the peak point of the rising tide of the solar in-breath for those in the northern hemisphere – and of the out-breath for that south of the equator. June 24th is known throughout Europe as Midsummer’s Day and bonfires are lit to drive out evil forces and to renew the reproductive powers for the year. it is a time to bathe “sky clad” wearing only protective garlands of herbs and flowers while honoring the Sun. The Freemasons also celebrate this day as the “Festival of St. John the Baptist,” who is seen as a bright and shining light. it is believed to be his birthday and is the first day of their New Year. June 24th was chosen to mirror the birth of St John, the Evangelist, on December 24th. It was also the beginning of the New Year for the ancient Egyptians and Greeks because Sirius (the brightest star in the sky) was directly overhead.
June 26th is the “holy” day for alchemists because the spiritual energies of the invisible sun of our sun and the invisible sun of Saturn are at their maximum strength. This is definitely a week for worldwide “Fire Rituals” and new beginnings.
In ancient China up to today, midsummer celebrations honor the Earth, femininity, and yin energy. Interestingly, with the most intense yang energy of the solstice lessening and turning southward, the coming influence of the yin energies are now celebrated. This energy will gain in power and influence until it reaches its height on the winter solstice. Honoring the balance between these two forces is extremely important in the Chinese culture. It is believed that if these cycles become out of sync, an imbalance will occur and bring catastrophes.
The Tropic of Cancer is intimately connected with the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is an imaginary line that weaves around the 23.5° line of latitude north of the equator and runs through Baja, Mexico, the Bahamas, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India Southern China and Hawaii. Likewise, The Tropic of Capricorn is an imaginary line that waves back and forth and 23.5 degrees south. Our ancestors likened these two invisible lines of force waving back and forth over the 23.5° latitudes north and south of the equator to be like two strands of DNA spiraling in and out across the spine (equator.) Esoterically.the Ida and pingala spiraling around the shush.
Starting on 23.5° latitude in Baja, the Jesuits, in 1724, built the first of a string of Missions that run up the Baja/California coastline all the way to San Francisco. The Jesuits were very savvy about Feng Shui, astrology and geomancy, having spent decades with the Chinese Emperor. It is like the first mission is anchoring the base chakra for an entity that slowly climbs up the coast.
From Baja, the Tropic of Cancer weaves across hundreds of sun (or solar) temples as it winds around the Earth. It is interesting to realize that the word “temple” comes from the root “temp” which means time. This means sun temples were purposely built on powerful magnetic Earth locations and positioned to face exact magnetic directions to record important cosmic events… In Mexico, one of the most famous sites is Teotihuacan. Like most sun temples, researchers have found advanced knowledge of the Earth and cosmos encoded in its dimensions. Leaving Mexico, it flows across Havana, Cuba. No wonder America and Russia fought for so long to gain control of this powerful location! From here, it crosses many ruins in the Sahara Desert (which was a tropical desert only 6.000 years ago) and comes to Elephantine Island, which is located in the middle of the Nile. Here it marked the gateway to Africa – between Nubia and Egypt. Elephantine Island was once the location of a Sun Temple where mankind was created by the ram headed god, Khnum. The 23.5° line also crosses the stone circle at Nabta, which is the only megalithic circle in Egypt, and one of the first examples of an astronomical observatory in the world.
Moving further west, the Tropic of Cancer crosses through the center of Hijaz, the Sacred Land of Saudi Arabia where Mecca and Medina are located. It then flows in a straight line across more than 20 sun temples in India. Although I have listed only a few of the hundreds of the sun temples, many which are currently in ruin, it is clear our ancestors were diligently tracking the annual path of the sun and conducting their lives to live with the flow and rhythm of seasons. Each of these temples was specially designed to receive the rays of the sun inside the sanctum sanctorum, on special days like the Summer Solstice. We have to marvel at their astrological knowledge, wisdom and architectural skills.
Read More...During the summer solstice, which usually begins on June 21st or 22nd , our physical sun is the furthest away from Earth for the year and the energies of our “invisible” sun and the “invisible” sun of Saturn are the closest to Earth! The ancients knew that our planet revolves in an elliptical pattern around the sun and every ellipse has two centers. Therefore, our visible sun forms one center, and the other center is called “the black, invisible sun.” Each planet in our solar system creates different elliptical patterns, so there are a multitude of black invisible suns. Jung was very captivated with the powerful energies emanating from these invisible suns and you can read about them in his famous “Red Book.”
The entire week of the summer solstice, is celebrated around the world as a time of clear vision. It is the peak point of the rising tide of the solar in-breath for those in the northern hemisphere – and of the out-breath for those south of the equator. June 24th is known throughout Europe as Midsummer’s Day and bonfires are lit to drive out evil forces and to renew the reproductive powers for the year. The Freemasons also celebrate this day as the “Festival of John the Baptist,” who is seen as a bright and shining light and it is the first day of their New Year. It was also the beginning of the New Year for the ancient Egyptians and Greeks because Sirius was directly overhead. June 26th is the “holy” day for alchemists because the spiritual energies of the invisible sun of our sun and the invisible sun of Saturn are at their maximum strength. This is definitely a week for worldwide “Fire Rituals” and new beginnings.
The Tropic of Cancer is intimately connected with the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is an imaginary line that weaves around the 23.5° line of latitude north of the equator and runs through Baja, Mexico, the Bahamas, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India Southern China and Hawaii
It is the northernmost point on Earth where the sun’s rays appear directly overhead at local noon on the summer solstice. The rays, on this magical day, strike the ground absolutely vertically and do not cast shadows for several minutes. The sun seems to “stand still” (Solstice) for three days, from June 21 – 23. The suns (both visible and invisible) then turn south to do the same magic above the Tropic of Capricorn, which is located at 23.5° south of the equator on Dec. 22 – 24 in the Southern hemisphere.
Our ancestors likened these two invisible lines of force waving back and forth over the 23.5° latitudes north and south of the equator to be like two strands of DNA spiraling in and out across the spine (equator.)
Starting on 23.5° latitude in Baja, the Jesuits, in 1724, built the first of a string of Missions that run up the Baja/California coastline all the way to San Francisco. The Jesuits were very savvy about Feng Shui, astrology and geomancy, having spent decades with the Chinese Emperor. It is like the first mission is anchoring the base chakra for an entity that slowly climbs up the coast (there will more about the underlying esoteric geomancy of the missions in a future newsletter!)
From Baja, the Tropic of Cancer weaves across hundreds of sun (or solar) temples as it winds around the Earth. It is interesting to realize that the word “temple” comes from the root “temp” which means time. This means sun temples were purposely built on powerful magnetic Earth locations and positioned to face exact magnetic directions to record important cosmic events.. In Mexico, one of the most famous sites is Teotihuacan. Like most sun temples, researchers have found advanced knowledge of the Earth and cosmos encoded in its dimensions. Leaving Mexico, it flows across Havana, Cuba. No wonder America and Russia fought for so long to gain control of this powerful location! From here, it crosses many ruins in the Sahara Desert (which was a tropical desert only 6.000 years ago) and comes to Elephantine Island, which is located in the middle of the Nile. Here it marked the gateway to Africa – between Nubia and Egypt. Elephantine Island was once the location of a Sun Temple where mankind was created by the ram headed god, Khnum. The 23.5° line also crosses the stone circle at Nabta, which is the only megalithic circle in Egypt, and one of the first examples of an astronomical observatory in the world.
Moving further west, the Tropic of Cancer crosses through the center of Hijaz, the Sacred Land of Saudi Arabia where Mecca and Medina are located. It then flows in a straight line across more than 20 sun temples in India. Although I have listed only a few of the hundreds of the sun temples, many which are currently in ruin, it is clear our ancestors were diligently tracking the annual path of the sun and conducting their lives to live with the flow and rhythm of seasons. Each of these temples was specially designed to receive the rays of the sun inside the sanctum sanctorum, on special days like the Summer Solstice. We have to marvel at their astrological knowledge, wisdom and architectural skills.
Read More...Reading and listening to the chatter on the web about the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on August 21 st , I haven’t seen or heard any references to the pioneering work of the brilliant German scientist, Lili Kolisko For decades, she performed thousands of experiments with metallic salts to visibly demonstrate the effects planets and their cosmic alignments have on Earthly substances. The energetic changes that took place during previous total solar eclipses were impeccably recorded and have important relevance for the eclipse we will experience next week.
The ancient alchemists knew the “seven sacred heavenly bodies” were each ruled by a specific metal that linked heaven to earth – the sun (gold), Moon (silver), Mercury (mercury), Venus (copper). Mars (iron). Jupiter (tin) and Saturn (lead.). We have forgotten most of this wisdom because current science has isolated itself from the impact of the constant cosmic forces streaming in from the heavens. Luckily, we have the pioneering work of Lili Kolisko. who by using exact scientific methods, was able to create a qualitative scientific method for observing the influence of the etheric forces in substance, Her research created a invaluable scientific bridge between the qualitative, etheric sciences and the quantitative, materialistic sciences of today.
She said, “True Science will lead us to the acknowledgment of spiritual facts. The unison of Science, Art and Religion must come in the near future. Scientists must arise who are at the same time endowed in their souls with the qualities of an artist and a priest. Science must again become a holy Art, if an unholy natural science is not to lead mankind to destruction.” Kolisko
In the 1920’s, Lili attended a lecture Rudolph Steiner gave to a body of natural scientists about the relationship of earthly metals to the planetary bodies, Steiner said,” So long as Substances are in a solid state, they are subject to the forces of the Earth, but as soon as they enter the liquid state, the planetary forces come into play.” This means, that solid gold, or gold salt is subject only to earthly forces, but if it is dissolved in a liquid solution, it is subject not only to the forces of earth, but also to the planetary forces of the Sun. Something to reflect on here – our physical bodies contain all seven of the heavenly metals in solution! Gold is centered mainly around the Heart!
This lecture inspired her to scientifically prove if what Steiner was saying was true or not. To Kolisko, this teaching suggested that during certain planetary alignments, such as a conjunction, an eclipse or some other significant relationship with another planet, the usual behavior of the corresponding metals might be altered. (more…)