The Mysteries of Time


The ancient Greeks had three distinct concepts of time Chronos, Kairos and Aion (Eon.) Each was personified as a god. Aion represented the everlasting eternity of the cosmos, whereas Chronos symbolized clock time, and Kairos  the right time. Together, they explained humanity’s place in a temporal world  as it moved forward through eternity.

Chronos (Saturn), the god of fate, rules chronological, sequential time. We measure it with clocks which are divided into seconds, minutes, and hours. It’s the constantly ticking movement that governs our daily lives and it only moves  in one direction – forward. There is no going back. We can’t slow or stop it, and once it’s lost you can’t get it back. We describe it as the past, present and future or the beginning, middle or end. It can be looked at as the quantitative,  digital measurement of time and its geometry is linear.

Kairos, the god of luck and opportunity, rules moments – not the strictly measured seconds of Chronos. It is about qualitative time – “nature time,” not mechanistic, human time. It rules the appropriate moment to take action. It is when a window of opportunity opens and one feels something is about to happen; that there is an opportunity to be seized. Kairos symbolizes the right time while Chronos symbolizes clock time.

Numerology and astrology play a big roll here in helping people to determine that right moment to take action. Kairos is magical analog time and its geometry is the spiral.

This passage from Ecclesiastes is a great description of Kairos. “To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be  born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot…”

Aion, the god of perpetual time, eternity, and zodiac, is associated with everlasting time. He differs from Chronos, who is also called a god of time, in  that his movements are cyclic and Chronos is connected to linear movement.  Aion, like the other two gods is considered a great living organism, not a  machine. He is the eternal everlasting god who rules the ages – the iron age,  bronze age etc. in cosmic order. Aionic time is a sphere whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere.

Since the time of Galileo and Newton, humanity has progressively devolved into mechanistic, chronological digital time. It almost global now. As a result,  most of us today would say that time passes, at a consistent and measurable rate, in a specific direction – from past to future. So now, during this curious  “out of time” pandemic pause, it may be the perfect moment to widen our view of time and become more attuned to the rhythms of nature and the cosmos.  As Hippocrates said:

“Every Kairos is a Chronos, but not every Chronos is a Kairos.”


Ancient Wisdom, Clouds and Plasma Cosmology


I recently became aware of Robert Temple’s new book “a New Science of Heaven” which is packed with mind blowing information about the new discoveries in plasma physics. He wrote the book for the average person because he thinks the vast majority of people have heard little or nothing about the science and need to know what plasma physicists have been discovering. He also thinks our increasing understanding of plasma “will be the true paradigm shift for our current age.” The characteristics of plasma, which  is the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquids, and gases have been known and written about in ancient mystery texts around the world for eons and the wisdom is finally seeping through.

Temple explains that the world is made up of 99 percent plasma and only 1 percent atomic matter! The Sun, stars, lightning are all made of plasma.  Since plasma is inorganic, it means that the majority of life forms are inorganic. and like organic life is aware. David Bohm who was a plasma physicist knew about this in the 50’s and found electrons that have been stripped away from atoms do not behave as separate individual particles but rather as part of a larger, organized whole. Dr. Bohm found that these collective movements, gave him the impression that the sea of electrons (plasma) was “alive,” blurring the lines between physics and metaphysics.

One of the most intriguing topics Temple writes about are the Kordylewski clouds which were discovered in 1961 by the Polish astronomer, Kazimierz Kordylewski. He found that there were two massive plasma dust clouds, nine times the size of the Earth, located above the atmosphere between the Earth and Moon. Since the clouds were very difficult to detect, interest in them waned until 2019, when three Hungarians astronomers “rediscovered” them in the same location that Kordylewski had predicted.  Today, they are now  accepted as a reality by mainstream physicists and Google will even correct your misspelling of them!

Since the clouds, which lay on either side of the earth, are above the atmosphere, they are not made of water vapor, but consist of preatomic particles and very fine dust. In the diagram they are L4 and L5.  Temple says each speck of dust in these clouds can hold tens of thousands of electrons. He further states that the clouds are “examples of inorganic life that has existed for billions of years” and asks “Is it possible they could have played a role in the forming of our planet throughout its long cosmic history, perhaps even helped create organic life? Life in its basic state is inorganic and is not made of atomic matter. It is made of pre-atomic matter namely the atomic particles, electrons, protons, and ions… Thus, we and all living things in the universe, whether organic or inorganic, arise from this plasma and the organic state is secondary to our fundamental nature as plasma beings.”


He goes on to explain that due to the Sun’s solar winds bombarding the K clouds with charged particles, the particles and dust inside of them interact with great intensity creating a highly complex non linear electrical network.  This network is made of filaments or rivers and streams that are eerily similar to the nodes and synapsis of our brains. He further states that these plasma clouds having “ordering properties,” can be considered alive, self aware and to have intelligence. Many are speculating that these massive clouds are like huge storage units accumulating billions of years of information from both the sun and the moon and we know stored information becomes memory or history! Now, with a slow shift from a mechanical mindset of the universe back to a more biological view of life, plasma physicists may be actually proving the existence of “the ancient bodiless ones.”

I think this is a book everyone should read. There is so much new scientific information that unlocks the doors to a new way of thinking and validates the true wisdom of spiritual teachings worldwide. I have posted a link to where you can purchase it on my website –

New Science Of Heaven


Clouds are Not Messy

Li, which means fire in Chinese, also means, “how patterns in nature form random shapes, yet seem ordered in a way that we can never define.” When welook up at the sky, we don’t think, “ Oh, the clouds are so messy today,” or “The forest is so tangled and cluttered this year!“ We look at nature and think it’s perfect.

It lifts our spirits with its non-structured beauty.

The tao (order of the universe) has a certain kind of order that is neither symmetrical nor geometrical. We all recognize Li – the clouds have Li, stones have Li and the human body has Li. The interesting thing is that although we all know what it is, there is no way of objectively defining it. It is a patterning based on the order of “flow.” It is the ever present flow that is always moving through nature and creating random ordered shapes and events that seem beyond definition. Li is the sister science to Feng Shui. (more…)