remote viewing

July 2024 Month of the Metal Goat (Sheep) Xin Wei ⾟辛 未

Posted by: Carol Assa On July 10, 2024

Remote Viewing – New Interview July 7th – August 7 We are now about to enter The Yin White Metal Goat month which is the sixth  sign of the zodiac and symbolizes purity, gentleness, kindness, intelligence, creativity, dependability, and calmness. It is one of the most yin signs in Chinese astrology. The gentle, intuitive goats …


June 2024 Month of the Yang Metal Horse Geng Wu 庚

Posted by: Carol Assa On June 7, 2024

Blacksmiths, Consciousness of Space and Buddha Relics This month the elements are in conflict. Geng is yang metal and Wu, the horse, is yang fire. Raw geng metal is of no use until it is forged in fire and bent or hammered into a useful tool or weapon such as an needle, axe or sword. …


May 2024 Month of the Yin Earth Snake – Ji Si ⼰⼟

Posted by: Carol Assa On May 3, 2024

“Light from Stones” paramagnetism   The Month of the Brown Earth Snake arrives on Sunday, May 5th. The yin earth (soil) snake is the most conservative of all the five types of snakes and tends to be confident, focused, unhurried and collected. All snake cycles (yearly, monthly and daily) are known for reveling in behind-the-scenes …


April 2024 Month of the Earth Dragon – Wu Chen 戊⾠

Posted by: Carol Assa On April 3, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Trivia and Wisdom! With all of the chaos, lack of clarity and confusion surrounding us worldwide at the moment, another Dragon arrives in April to join the yearly Green Dragon! That means for the month, we will be experiencing “Double Dragon energy.” The reason we are receiving the negative qualities of the …

Rabbits running in circle

March 2024 Yin Fire Rabbit/Hare Month – Jia Chen (甲⾠)

Posted by: Carol Assa On March 12, 2024

Hares Equinox Creation The month of March is always ruled by the rabbit/hare. In Chinese astrology,  the two animals are used interchangeably and they epitomize gentleness, refinement, elegance, creativity, fertility, discretion and bringing good luck (remember the rabbit’s foot people used to wear!). This year, it is the fire rabbit/hare who rules. Since this month …

year of the dragon

February 2024

Posted by: Carol Assa On February 13, 2024

Happy New Year!! The Chinese Year of the Green Wood Dragon begins February 10, 2024, and ends January 28, 2025. The Chinese dragon is unique because it is the only mythical creature of all the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac and is very different from the European dragon. For example, the European dragons breath …


January 2024 Year of the Green Wood Dragon – 甲⾠

Posted by: Carol Assa On January 13, 2024

Locations of the 4 Annual Feng Shui Afflictions for 2024 Water Placement for the New 20 Year Fire Cycle We are fast approaching the New Lunar Year of the Yang Wood Green Dragon  which begins February 10th, 2024. The first day of the Chinese astrological/Feng Shui year, however, is different from this popular Chinese New …


October 2023 Month of Reflections on Shadows

Posted by: Carol Assa On October 5, 2023

Reflections on Shadows and a New Video: Wetigo – A Virus of the Mind with Richard Coldman As we move more deeply into the yin side of the year, I remembered a book I  read years ago entitled “In Praise of Shadows” by Junichiro Tanizaki. In the  book, he explores how in the past life …

Metal Rooster

September 2023 Month of the Metal Rooster – Xin You ⾟辛⾣酉

Posted by: Carol Assa On September 5, 2023

Cobalt Blue and Gold Flagstaff Dowsing Conference The eighth month of the Chinese calendar is always  ruled  by Rooster qi. The rooster, especially the golden  rooster, likes to be the center of  attention and  doesn’t hesitate  to say what is on his mind. He is  characterized by charm,  flamboyance, punctuality,  principled opinions, and  dogmatic beliefs. …

Gold Metal Monkey

August 2023 Month of the Gold Metal Monkey – Geng Shen 庚申

Posted by: Carol Assa On September 5, 2023

The Hungry Ghosts, Vivaxis and the Flagstaff Dowsing Conference The seventh solar month of the Chinese calendar is always ruled by the Monkey. It begins on August 8 this year, and marks the beginning of the Autumn season This cerebral yang metal sign usually represents the qualities  of agility, intelligence, courage, strength and chaotic individualism. …