Many Ancient temples and sacred monuments were built in a true East and West alignment. You entered the from the west and faced the altar in the East. One such holy site with this alignment is the famous Rossyln Chapel in Scotland. It was founded on the autumn equinox in 1446 and was dedicated to St. Matthew.
Most of us are aware of the many esoteric conspiracies around Rosslyn Chapel’s relationship to the Knight’s Templar, the Masons, and the Holy Grail through the “Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown. The site is also thought to have been originally an ancient Druid Holy site.
During my endless research into Invisible Architecture (for that future book!), I keep discovering such an amazing relationship between worship, acoustics and architecture. Rossyln Chapel is a perfected example of this – it has often been referred to a “book carved in stone.”
The chapel stands on fourteen pillars, which form an arcade of twelve pointed arches on three sides of the nave. The three pillars at the east end of the chapel are named, from north to south: the Master Pillar, the Journeyman Pillar and, most famously, the Apprentice Pillar, showing the churches Masonic relationship. The pillars are covered with 213 intricately carved cubes, which protrude from them. A father and son team , Thomas and Stuart Mitchell realized that the designs on the cubes resembled the geometric patterns seen in Cymatics.
Cymatics, discovered by Hans Jenny, is essentially the study of how sound waves and frequencies influence matter. Jenny found patterns are formed by placing powder or sand on a flat surface and vibrating the surface at various frequencies. Different notes produce various shapes including flowers, diamonds and hexagons, called Chaldni patterns.
By matching these Chladni patterns with musical notes corresponding to the same frequencies, the father-and-son team of Thomas and Stuart Mitchell produced a tune which Stuart calls the Rosslyn Motet. “It is what we could call ‘frozen music’, a little like cryogenics. The music has been frozen in time by symbolism. It was only a matter of time before the symbolism began to ‘thaw out’ and begin to make sense to scientific and musical perception,” said T. Mitchell.
Using skills he learned as an RAF code-breaker during the Korean War and his lifetime knowledge of classical music, he finally realized they depicted the vibrations of musical notes. He said: “It was a Eureka moment to end all Eureka moments. Many angels were carrying musical instruments and some were even grouped as if they were a choir. But one angel gave me the biggest problem. He was carrying something and at first I thought it was musical instrument which had been lost in the mists of time. It was only when I realized that he was carrying a musical stave, the blueprint for all musical composition, that I knew I was looking at a secretly coded piece of music.”
Stuart Mitchell said the tunes could have been hidden because knowledge of harmonics may have been seen as dangerous, even heretical, by 15th Century church authorities. Interestingly the Devil’s Chord, diabolus in musica, makes an appearance in the music. “In the ceiling is this jump of an augmented fourth, in fact it opens up with an augmented fourth,” says Mitchell. “The Catholic Church had banned this interval (seven semitones) from medieval music as it was believed to be disturbing and therefore diabolical. Perhaps St Clair (founder of the chapel) was indeed challenging the authority of the church. The music itself, according to Mitchell is a mix of Celtic melodies and secular worship crossed with a kind of Christian worship, but not Catholic. What we have here is a recorded piece of music, it is almost like a compact disc from the 15th Century.” The Rosslyn Motet is avail on CD.
I was going to go into the magic of organs and how they are an integral part of a church’s architecture making them the only instrument where you sit inside of the instrument, but we will save that next time!
Here is a link, where you can take a virtual tour of the inside of Rosslyn Chapel with music. It is wonderful and I think if you view and listen to it on the 22nd, you will be in sync with the Autumn Equinox frequencies.
Read More...The month of March is always ruled by the rabbit/hare. In Chinese astrology, the two animals are used interchangeably and they epitomize gentleness, refinement, elegance, creativity, fertility, discretion and bringing good luck (remember the rabbit’s foot people used to wear!). This year, it is the fire rabbit/hare who rules.
Since March brings the magical doorway of the Spring Equinox, I was reminded of the cross cultural image of the three spinning hares also opening a mysterious portal. It is a fascinating circular motif of creation appearing worldwide at sacred sites from the Middle and Far East to Africa to Turkmenistan, Pakistan, the Himalayas. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Germany, France, and England.
The hares, were considered androgynous or hermaphroditic by most cultures and therefore had the ability to reproduce without loss of virginity. They generally live alone, but there are certain times of the year when they congregate in mass (for unknown reasons.) One of these times is the Spring Equinox. It brings a certain energy and the hares go crazy – jumping and boxing! They become as mad as “a March Hare,” or the famous “Mad Hatter” in Alice in Wonderland.
They don’t build their homes in burrows like rabbits, but instead make little nests (like a bird nest) in the grass on the ground. The Mother builds a nest not only for herself, but one for each baby. Another oddity about the hares is they give birth to baby hares that are fully furred and have open eyes. From the day these babies are born, they are very self sufficient.
They are also closely associated with the moon, particularly the full moon. There are several reasons for this: they are nocturnal, feeding and traveling at night, and sleeping during the day. And while in the west, we might talk about the man in the moon, in many parts of the world, it’s a tradition to see a hare or a rabbit in the moon. Besides being associated with the light of the moon, in China and Japan, the hare is also the “greeter of the dawn,” ruling the “hour of the hare,” 5 am – 7 am. Then they go to sleep!
Because of the belief that the hares were androgynous or hermaphroditic, male one month and female the next, they were considered very mysterious. To our ancestors globally, the hare represented the union of opposites, and were thought to embody the actual creative powers of the universe. For example, in ancient Egypt, Osiris, the God of rebirth and immortality, was sacrificed to the Nile each year in the form of the Hare, to guarantee the annual flooding that Egypt depended upon. The Egyptian hieroglyph “Wn” stands for the “essence of life” and depicts a hare over flowing water. For The Algonquin, the Great Hare appeared on earth and laid the foundation of the world. He instructed people in the medicine dance and other forms of life; he fought the oceanic monsters; he reconstructed the earth after the deluge, and on his departure he left it as it is today.
The earliest known example of the Three Hares motif (above) can be can be found in China. It can be seen on the ceilings of some of the temples in the Mogao Caves (or Caves of the Thousand Buddhas). There are at least 17 temples in this complex where the Three Hares motif is depicted on the ceiling. The paintings date back to the 6th century AD.
The three running hares are usually found spinning counterclockwise. While each individual hare has two ears, the three hares together have a total of only three visible ears instead of six. There is much speculation on the meaning of this mysterious arrangement.
Several researchers into scared geometry have said that the curvature of the ears can be traced onto the 3 interlocking circular pattern found in many cultures representing various trinities.
But, if one takes the circle pattern through four more steps the “seed of life” pattern emerges. It is believed that these seven two dimensional patterns that becomes spheres in three dimensions are the blueprint for the formation of life.
In Genesis it is said God created the universe in 6 days and on the 7th day, He rested. Many believe that the 6 outer circles represent the 6 days of creation and the 7th circle (in the center) represents God, Source, or Consciousness. It seems the three spinning hares are symbolically empowering creation!!
They have opened the door to a new and greater understanding of this mysterious architecture, and have gotten the wheels rolling on what could be an energetic revolution. A group of scientists from the Russian National Academy of Sciences set out to uncover what exactly pyramids are capable of. The results of their research thus far are astonishing. Since 1989, Alexander Golod has built 17 pyramids in Russia, and has lead a group of Russian and Ukrainian scientists in researching their effects [DeSalvo 117, 118]. The pyramids are made from fiberglass; they contain absolutely no metal, as predetermined by Golod due to its conductivity. Also, they are hollow inside (DeSalvo 125), and are more steeply sloping than the Great Pyramid, built at an acute 73 degree angle. The Great Pyramid was built on a 52 degree angle. (more…)