Since we have just passed through a major yearly portal, the fall equinox, I decided to revisit a really interesting newsletter article I wrote in 2014, with some new updates. In both Feng Shui and Vastu, and many other cultures, the vital importance of doorways as transitional or transformational points was always part of the wisdom teachings. The masters taught that “to enter through a doorway, you must become the doorway,” or “to enter the room, you must know how to open the door.” These are cryptic ways of saying that you must be in in resonance the threshold you are crossing in order to gain access to another dimension or reality. This concept holds true for all planes from physical to spiritual.
I was excited to find a scientific study done by researchers at the University of Notre Dane that explored the “doorway effect.” It was entitled, “why walking through a doorway makes you forget.” The researchers found when testing participants that their responses to questions were both slower and less accurate when they walked through a doorway into a new room than when they walked the same distance within the same room. They were two to three times as likely to forget what they were supposed to do after walking through a doorway and walking through multiple doorways increased the error rate even more! “Entering or exiting through a doorway serves as an ‘event boundary’ in the mind, which separates episodes of activity and files them away, “ said coauthor Gabriel Radvansky.
One of the their most amazing discoveries was that the phenomena held true whether the participants were navigating virtual worlds or real world settings! The implications of this are mind boggling to say the least. It brings to mind all of the scientific discussions currently about simulation. This knowledge has been with us from time out of mind and like so much ancient wisdom, we have just forgotten it!
In ancient times, doorways were always treated as transitional spaces. It was known that when you entered a sacred space, you crossed the threshold with your left foot first and when you entered a home, you crossed the threshold with your right foot. The left foot is in resonance with the right hemisphere of the brain and the right foot is in resonance with the left hemisphere.
In Feng Shui, doorways are a very important factor when looking at the energetic qualities of a home. This knowledge is not interpreted in the same manner as the study above, but the results are the same, It is known that doorways form a transitional space between two different energetic patterns in space time and it is extremely important where they are placed and their size.
In the past, the size of a door was measured by the Feng Shui ruler which is based on the “golden ratio,” like the imperial foot. Since our bodies are constructed according to these phi proportions, when you crossed a threshold you were in resonance with the doorway. We have forgotten all of this wisdom. Today the shape, size and placement of a door is solely dictated by what is easy, convenient and cost effective.
Each room, or hallway in a home has a different vibrational quality and we subconsciously register these differences when we enter into them. A room’s individuality is created by its function, smell, color, shape, objects, windows, doors and furnishings.
Imagine you are sitting in your home office and you decide to walk through the door into your kitchen. Everything about the two rooms is different. Although you are not aware of it, you need to immediately readjust and realign to the new environment. This is the reason the concept of “flow’ is so important in Feng Shui.
There is, of course, always the possibility that your auric field is being compromised as you squeeze through the doorway – especially if you have shungite in your pocket, since it expands one’s auric field!
After doing this research on doorways, I did a dowsing experiment with four other dowsers and we all got the same results! Walking up to a door while testing our personal energy, we got a clockwise spin on our pendulums, but the pendulum stopped swinging as we entered the door frame and then began to spin counterclockwise until we were in the next room and then it went back to a clockwise spin again We experienced that a few doorways did not have this same reactions and the pendulum kept spinning positively as we walked through the doorway. I realized this happened whenever I walked through my front door and then discovered that it was the Chinese door hanging that I had hung on it! If I took the door hanging off, the pendulum reacted the same as it did with all the other doors. The other dowsers also reported that if they had some form of protection on a door, the pendulum did not stop and than go into a negative spin! Try it!