While studying a topographical map for a Feng Shui consultation, I remembered all of the Chinese face reading study I did years ago, The face was looked upon as a topographical map – a living landscape of mountains, valleys and rivers. The terrain of your face provided a map of your personality, your past experiences and future potential. The shape, size and location of your features, coloration, scars, blemishes, shadows all combined to reveal your inner nature and they are constantly changing.
The ancient Chinese incorporated all of their vast wisdom into five categories called the “Five Arts.” These “Five Arts’ are an integrated classification system that encompasses everything from mountain (knowledge and virtue), meditation, divination, medicine to physiognomy which is translated as the “science of observation,” the “science of forms,” or “the science of reading patterns.” Feng Shui, Face Reading and Palmistry are the three branches of wisdom within the Art of Physiognomy. If we look at the landscape of the face, we find there are “Five Mountains.” They are the hard yang features that are composed of bone. These mountains create the structure and the foundation of the face and represent one’s personality and character. Each mountain is ruled by one of the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, or metal), and has a specific direction and location on the facial terrain.
The forehead, ruled by fire, is located to the south; the nose, ruled by earth, is in the center; the chin, ruled by water, is located to the north; the left cheek, ruled by wood, is located to the east; and the right cheek, ruled by metal, is located to the west. It is important that the five mountains are strong and high and that they balance and support each other. If they are low or out of balance, it may affect your luck.
The yin energies, which are represented by the soft tissue and features, exude fluids and are called the “Four Rivers.” They are the eyes, the ears, the mouth and the nostrils. These rivers represent the qi energy, the universal breath of life and each river has two forms, one positive and one negative. The positive qi of the eyes is expressed as Light and the negative is expelled as tears. Sound is the positive form for the ears and wax t the negative form. Breath is the positive qi of the nostrils while mucous is the negative aspect. The mouth can both take in and expel both positive and negative qi as kind words words versus critical ones and good food versus bad food!
People with large rivers and low mountains are usually very emotional, expressive and creative. They tend to have an easier life, with less struggle than those with prominent mountains and smaller rivers. Most of the time, those with strong features tend to be more independent than those with larger, softer water features.
The mountains represent the cosmic “Yang qi” of the cosmic father and the rivers the cosmic “Yin qi” of the cosmic mother. They are united at conception.
This union produces your unique combination of mountains and rivers. Ideally, there should be harmony between the facial mountains and rivers, but most faces tend to be less than the ideal. The shape of our features are not static and are always changing like the topography of the Earth. We may witness a flood here, a small brush fire there, or a major tsunami across the whole face!!